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One child, One teacher,

One book, One pen.

One child, a beacon of hope,

A future bright, an endless scope.

One teacher, guiding with care,

Nurturing minds, hearts to bear,

With wisdom's touch, they ignite,

A thirst for knowledge, burning bright.

One book, a portal to new realms,

Where imagination overwhelms,

In ink and words, a universe vast,

Enlightening souls from the past.

One pen, a tool of transformation,

Empowering minds with inspiration,

Words penned upon the page,

A force to change, to engage.

From humble beginnings, they rise,

Under the open, endless skies,

United by the quest to learn,

Their hearts and minds forever yearn.

Through trials faced and battles fought,

Their spirits soar, their dreams are caught,

For in each child, the world's delight,

A precious gem, a shining light.

With one teacher's steadfast grace,

They'll find their purpose, find their place,

The book will spark their inner fire,

And with one pen, they'll rise up higher.

In unity, they'll stand, create,

Building a world that's just and great,

For education's power is profound,

With one child, one teacher, one book, and one pen found.


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