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Poem 1:


The spring wind passes by my face from the East, Wine in the gold goblet has a little ripple.


What a pity, flower petals are falling down, The beautiful girls are a little drunken with faces turning red


How long can the green pavilion with peaches and plums last, Time mocks us by going so fast


Come dance with me, sun is setting.


If we don’t enjoy our lives by drinking when we are young, why should we feel regret and complain when we are old?

Poem 2:


I play the Guqin made of Dragon Gate green Tung, The jade pot is full of wine, clear as nothing.

催弦拂柱与君饮, 看朱成碧颜始红。

I am playing the Guqin and creating sweet melodies while drinking wildly with you until I confuse red with green, and my face reddens


The exotic girl, as beautiful as a flower, smiles with the spring wind on her face smile at the spring wind, 

笑春风, 舞罗衣,君今不醉将安归?

Dance in the beautiful dress, If you aren’t completely drunk here, where else could you go?

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